Dearest Readers,
I’ve arrived in Seattle along with a gentle off-and-on-again rain–the first precip since beginning this journey nearly a month ago. This is Scott Schuldt in front of his home in the Capitol Hill District. It’s an area rich in history and old money, spiced up with a hip influence, young residents and creative offerings in the neighborhood shops and eateries. Coffee here is king and queen, prince and princess. I’m staying here two nights with Scott and his wife Sarah Rosner. Scott has figured out a way to cordon off the interior of the house so Etta and the cats are separated. I can breathe easier. Etta is just hard-wired to chase critters.

I returned Scott’s six etched copper and kevlar armored Iraq War gloves from 2007. We're standing in his home beneath "The Re-education of Smedley Butler", one in his intricately hand-beaded flag series pieces. This flag addresses America's military involvement in the "Banana Wars" in the early part of the 20th century, supporting governments that allowed American corporations, like United Fruit Company to operate freely in third world countries. See more of his interdisciplinary and socially conscious art in media as diverse as beadwork, photography and map-making at http://scottschuldt.com/

Scott and I had pizza and beer for lunch at Palermo’s in his district, then off we went on a brisk walking tour of the area.

We traveled past imposing mansions on the hill on our way to Volunteer Park, and the 75-1/2 foot old Water Tower.

Scott, Etta, and I climbed the 106 steps inside to the top of the tower, and viewed the city from several angles. I tried to interest Etta in being in the picture, but no dice.

The menu for dinner was broiled, seasoned chicken, sweet potato soup with a dollop of goat cheese, broasted fingerling potatoes, baby field green salad, and homemade rhubarb crisp, topped with vanilla rice cream. Yum!
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