Dearest Readers,
8,900 miles. Relief. I am here in my own “private Idaho” of Rutland Vermont (pop. 17,000)–town of half my immediate ancestors, and the place where I spent much of my growing up. Phase one of the return of H2H national artists’ gloves and hands is finished. I’m taking a five-week respite at the idyllic home of my gracious hosts and friends, Glenn and David Horgan on Church Street. Etta and I will resume the trek, returning art to east coast artists in mid August.

This is the view this morning of their sunny backyard from my upstairs bedroom window...my nest of recovery and reflection.

We enjoyed dinner last night in the Florida room. David grilled hamburgers (local beef), and Glenn and I fixed a tossed salad with produce from the Rutland Co-op Market. Even the aged balsamic vinegar is a locally made product.

The God of this journey put a lid on the trip with a display of extreme exaltation. Hints of nature’s impending excitement showed itself in the tempestuous skies above Amsterdam NY on i-90 as I headed eastward yesterday afternoon across New York state. I snapped the Welcome to Vermont sign as a few big drops plinked on my head and shoulders.

I jumped in the car, and the skies opened up. The Green Mountains appear gray in the mists and driving rain, as I traveled the final few miles to Rutland. Traffic slowed because of slush on Route 4. That white stuff along the edge of the road in the last picture is hail!

Rest. Thank goodness! Thank you for such wonderful updates and photos, what a great utilization of your blog!!
ReplyDeleteThanks. I've begun posting again while resting.