Sunday, June 24, 2012


Dearest Readers,

In the Center Street Studio
I’m blissing out here in my Rutland Vermont studio. See 33 seconds of studio snaps at

Last Week's Leafy Wings and Golden Heart
My wing paintings are becoming more abstract and muscular. Pardon me, but they are taking flight from safer ground to increasingly unknown places.

Wings 2 This Week

Wings 3

I was gifted a membership to the Chaffee Art Center in town by my friend Michael Beale. Now I am taking an open model figure drawing “class” there on Thursday nights from 5pm-8pm throughout the summer. $5.00 per session. Rotating models. The Chaffee is just three houses from my studio. Can’t beat it, and I’m getting practice drawing the human body with a group of local Vermont artists.
Week One

Week two

 I’m making an effort to meet other artists in their studios while I’m here. It’s a small state and easy to travel around. I usually take the mountainous “scenic routes”. Friday I visited the painter Leonard Ragouseos who has a studio in the woods in Newfane in southeastern Vermont. We talked about his very large ink drawings on Yupo–a type of mylar. Gorgeous!
Leonard Ragouseos in Newfane, VT studio

 On Saturday I stopped in to see the fabric artist JudithReilly who has a studio in her home in the middle of Brandon in central VT. 
She stopped calling herself a quilter because she said people expected geometric patchwork bedspreads. Instead, she creates landscapes and layered “paintings” using bits of fabric, batting and a darning foot on her sewing machine that allows her to draw with thread over the surface of her fabrics. Amazing color, artistry and detail.
Judith Reilly in her Brandon, VT studio
 Last Saturday, I volunteered to help the artist Paedra Peter Bramhall transport a large digital photo montage printed on canvas to a gallery in the Pop up gallery district of Winooski, near Burlington in northwestern Vermont. 

On the down side, three days of over 90 degree weather was hard to take in this un-airconditioned upstairs apartment and studio. 
Kane Portrait_Day12_Overheated_11x17_Charcoal-on-paper_2012

 I bought a big box fan from Wal-Mart for $15.88, and Etta got my little table fan. 
We’re back to good weather- 80/59 degrees today. 

Band Concert-Main Street Park–Rutland, VT
  I leave you tonight to the strains of Sousa’s Stars and Stripes Forever playing outside my window. It’s Sunday evening and the Rutland City band is wrapping up their regular Sunday summer band concert in the gazebo in Main Street Park nearby. They always conclude with this crowd rousing number:

1 comment:

  1. Hey Cecelia, I'm loving this journey you're on -- thanks for taking me with you. The wings are lovely -- I imagine you wearing a life sized pair on the square as a gift to Rutland. Btw, I'm stealing your copyright notice ;-) xxooj
