Monday, December 15, 2014


The Thinking Place Sleeps
Dearest Readers,
Winter weather, snow and ice have brought the Thinking Place Project to a halt for the time being.  My future place for abiding slumbers on the hill in my front field like a thatched and frosted moon pie that has surrendered to the cold, dim December days.

Up close, the unfinished sides and roof seem to have collapsed into the mounting white landscape. There’s a silent prickly beauty to it, but I cannot proceed.

 My stores of sticks are buried in the snow, and I cannot easily forage for downed branches, or cut new ones in the deep snowy fields and forest. 
My Stick pile #1-Mostly buried in snow
Stick pile #2-Mostly buried in snow
Etta is light enough that she walks on top of  the refrozen, crusty snow. This is a boon to her freedom and ability to run free, but hard-walking for me as my legs plunge down through the fragile top layer.
Etta listens to the world near the Thinking Place

Here she is inside The Thinking Place, sniffing around while I photograph the empty space from the partially open roof.
Etta inside the unfinished space
Construction to be continued in the Spring…
Sleep tight, little hut.


  1. Me thinks Etta is thinking in the thinking space... i bet yr doin some winter reading. tf

  2. I think you are right. Thinking for Etta mostly comes through her nose.
